Friday, July 20, 2012

Wrap-up of a Wonderful Extern Experience

               I believe I was in a very ideal situation through this experience. I reaped the benefits to the maximum. As I accomplished tasks given by my employer, I also had time to work on projects relating to school as I learned about the company and used the experiences and resources that surrounded me by being at Merrill.
                I learned some very good applications as I worked on my tasks here. Some of those applications included: 1.) As I worked on my “Surface Area Project,” I used surface area formulas and other formulas to figure out if a hydrant could be used by humans for drinking water. This project also looked at the huge role variables and algebra has in solving real life problems. 2.) The importance of finding trends in and coming up with models/equations to make predictions as I worked on the “Production Trend Project.” 3.) I discovered how Excel is a technology tool we should be familiarizing students with because I used it in all of the projects I did at Merrill. 4.) I worked with averages and standard deviation to set manufacturing target goals. 5.) I saw the importance of using conversions as I examined freight shipment quotes. 6.) I found I need to implement the 21st century skills, especially communication, problem solving and reasoning into my classes.
                There was such great value in working with my math skills hands-on this summer. Everyone of course encounters math on a daily basis. I am different in that when I do, I have that constant sometimes nagging question- Can I get my students to experience this math like I am experiencing it right now or could I turn this into a project that will make math more real for my students? And, as long as you are a teacher with that constant nagging question, you will fly and create wonderful things; it only takes the encounter of real, applicable math, some creativity and innovation, and some TIME.
                I guess I am most thankful for the time that I did have and the support to work on these projects and activities that blossomed through my work at Merrill. I will say that is the biggest benefit I had in this process. I was able to have a focus on bettering my teaching throughout the summer. I was able to work on a water flow project for my calculus class. I have been working on this project on and off throughout this summer. There was a lot I did not know about hydraulics and water dynamics that I needed in order to make the project I am designing successful. Being that Merrill manufactures and engineers water system parts, I was well surrounded by resources I needed to ask any questions. I have to also mention, the pay was wonderful too. I felt well compensated, if not a little guilty, that I was being paid for the professional development experience this summer. I learned a lot and made good progress in the creation of projects and unit planning.
                This experience was absolutely priceless for me. The list of benefits that go named and will continue to arise from this for me is something I am so thankful for. 

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